How many people like to start off a new year with a good declutter?
Well, it makes sense considering you now have all these new gifts to find homes for as well.
Here are my simple tips to get started de-cluttering your home. These can also be applied to your office space as well as your home.
Now I'm not saying you have to throw things out that you love and use - when I de-cluttering I'm referring to removing items that don't have a purpose or a home. Keep in mind that there are some treasures which have the purpose of making your home beautiful or making you feel happy and these should be displayed where you can enjoy them.
Decluttering can seem overwhelming sometimes, but here's the way I tackle it:
I suggest you get half a dozen baskets or boxes, put them in the middle of your room. Label them with the rooms of the house, one for ‘giveaway' and one for ‘throw'.
Collect every item, piece of clothing, or paper thats laying around. This may feel a little overwhelming but take it slow, put your favourite show on even better some fun music and grab a pile of things to sort, before you know it, it's done.
Ask yourself: Do I use or need this, if so how often do I use it? Can I do without it?
If you only use it once a month, it can be put away out of sight or maybe removed altogether.
If you're not sure or find it hard to let go of things, put them in a box, tape it up and write the date on it. In 3 months if you haven't needed the things in it, that's your answer.
Now, HERE'S THE TRICK I USE - Ask yourself: WHERE do I use it, not just where does it belong?
If you always use it in the lounge room, then perhaps that is where it belongs!
Eg: If you always read your magazines in the sun lounge on the front porch, put a magazine basket just inside the door, so you can easily grab your magazine on your way out there.
I used to do my daughters hair sitting at the kitchen table having my morning coffee.
So even though you would expect her brush should be in her bedroom but I can guarantee that every morning she went off to school and her hair brush was still sitting on the table! So, I put a pretty little box on the counter next to the table, which matched my décor and inside is where her brush lived. That way, I didn't spend every morning walking from room to room collecting all my children's items to put them away.
If your kids do their homework in the dining room while you get dinner, clear a drawer out in your buffet or kitchen (Im sure you don't use half those gadgets in there anyway) and put their books & pencils in there.
If things are out of reach we don't often get to them or put them away, so put what you need close at hand, it will make your life so much easier!
Well that wraps up my tips on giving everything a home. Let me know how you go and if you need help, I can do one-on-one or workshops.
Happy Decluttering, Jen